Offering remedial therapy

Remedial farrier comes in a variety of ways and doesn’t mean that your horse
has to lame or need bar shoes to benefit from it.
Sometimes a bog-standard basic set of shoes is now not enough to keep your
horse in peak fitness or it maybe you have noticed that they are struggling with
a specific movement when being ridden in the school or when being worked.
You may find it struggles with having poles down on one rein or just to keep
the same performance when the ground changes or as the horse gets older or
is progressing up the levels then it would probably benefit from being assesed
with a view to seeing if there is a better or more tailored approach that can
help to create more symmetrical and balanced movement.
We look after a number of horses that have a number of performance issues as
well as horses that come to us with pathologies and lameness issues. We
always use the gait analysis system as part of our remedial farriery package
and we offer to write up your horses case history so that your home team
farrier or the other professionals involved in your horses management are able
to then come up to speed with the horses shoeing protocol.

Get in touch

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BT Benson Farrier
The Forge, Swalcliffe Park Equestrian, Swalcliffe,
Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15 5EX


+ 44 (0) 1295 788 296
+ 44 (0) 7989 606 537
